10. Because she is a Tapatia from Guadalajara, Jalisco, home to some of the best mariachi music in the world!
9. Because the very word Tapatia evokes images of courageous, passionate, feminine beauty…uninhibited, unapologetic, unsurpassed!
8. Because Jimena, sometimes spelled Ximena, accomplished by herself, what a whole team of Mexican World Cup soccer players could not – bringing home the crown!
7. Because like a winner she chose her red, flowing, single-strap, gown well in advance of the Miss Universe competition as a tribute to her country’s bicentennial independence anniversary…and she literally rocked it!
6. Because she is only the second Mexican beauty to have ever claimed the Miss Universe title, ever!! The first was Lupita Jones of Mexicali, Baja California, in 1991.
5. Because even though she is a Mexican national and will be traveling the world, Jimena still looks Illegal, but can’t be deported!! (Sorri for you Arizona!)
4. Because all she wanted to do after winning the title of Miss Universe was “give my parents a big hug.”
3. Because her win in some way diminishes the stereotype of lazy Mexicans lying around, underneath a tree or against a cactus, in full mariachi hat and huaraches, doing nothing…although it is true we do like our siestas!
2. Because after the whole swine flu fiasco, our country will once again be known for exporting more than just mutant pandemics named after pigs…or even worse narcotics, crime and immigrants. Yes, we’ve heard what some gavachos say about us!
1. And finally, because after all the narco-wars, murders, kidnappings, political ploys, defaming, scandals, etc., the people of Mexico needed a win like this to once again rejoice and scream at the top of their lungs – ¡Viva México! ¡Viva México! ¡Viva México!
6 thoughts on “10 Reasons To Love Miss Universo: Ximena Navarrete”
11. She’s flat-out, drop-dead gorgeous.
12. See 11.
13. See 1 – 11.
14. See 11 again.
Gotta agree with you on all the wonderful additions!
i am so happy that you feel and think that way about our beauty pagaent delegates but i will totally disagree with you. yes, the names you mentioned have all the qualities of a beauty queen except for their speech communication, public speaking qualities, confidence, theatrics, vocals and everything that involved opening their mouths. the closest to perfection that i can think of were the 2000 winners headlined by nina ricci alagao but the glamazon delegates in cyprus were unbeatable, only nina made a second mistake in not taking advantage in shinning during the national costume and gown. venus of 2010 major major upset was not to be blamed but BPCI themselves for not managing Venus in her communication skill department. she was a runner up in Miss Earth Philippines where she repeated her words twice and mumbled throughtout the final interview. was she dumb. no! maybe, nervous! and if anyone of you noticed most FILIPINOS in the 20th and the 21st century speaks and talks as if as if they are talking to a computer or more real TEXTING have you seen Venus’ video interview at the Miss Universe? she talks and acted not herself which followed her to the final stage of the pagaent. she talked and acted as if she was from the corners of drug DC or New York. i thought she was half Indian. she sounded and looked half black from the project. don’t get me wrong, i love her and the pride she gave to the country but once a FILIPINa hit the top 5, they usually in the top 4 or 2 and Venus had a story and beauty to win. she did not capitalize on that! i am bitter!!!!
Awh #8 is a low blow. Don’t hurt my Chicharito. He tried. LOL 😉
#11 is up there for me too! Living in AZ, I knew the night she one that the entire low tooth per head constituency was besides themselves here and we could laugh at them.
The night she won, I got an email from a nephew in Mazatlán, who was in a bar celebrating. I posted that on FB and a friend thought I meant that Christ was in a bar in Mexico partying. Obviously he didn’t know I meant my nephew Jesus. Yes, word spread incredibly fast that night across boundaries and borders.
Mexico is a country filled with healthy orgullo, and those of us from there and of that bloodline, celebrate this and many other aspects of who we are. Salud!