Oldies but still goodies! These song bring back memories for me. My sisters in the restroom, putting on their makeup, layering their hair with coat after coat of Aqua Net, my brother manually creecing his pants with an iron and the bottle of spray starch (they had to be just perfect), me running around trying to figure out what to wear that wouldn’t make me look funny…
At parties, our neighbor Candy in her shiny, red, chiffon dress dancing puras vueltas round and round the pista – a tiny husband in tow furiously trying to keep up with her meneadas caderonas. She was a Señora in all her age and size, but that never stopped her from having fun. I guess that’s why I like my musica de baile so much – because no matter how old you are, how bad you dance, or how funny you look, it’s never a big deal to just let loose and move your body.
I’m thankful for that, and lots of other things.
Les deseo mucho baile y buena musica en su Turkey Day!