The formula is pretty simple. You take one person, two, or as many as you want, add beer, or the alcoholic beverage of your choice, mix in some conversation, a little music of course, and voila: ¡estas pisteando!
Well actually a lot of the variables are extra. The main ingredient is the drinking.
Even by the Urban Dictionary’s standards – since Merriam Webster does not include this social behavior in their library of terms – the definition of pistear is almost identical to what you just read here. This is what they say: mexican slang/a verb/to hang out with yourself, another person, or as many people as you want and drink beer or any other alcoholic beverage. Pretty funny if you ask me.
Almost as comical as the sentence they use for an example:
Dude, we should go to SickBoy’s house and invite him to pistear some cawamas!!!
Who the hell is SickBoy!? Anybody out there with that actual nickname…my apologies, but I have to say, I’ve never heard anybody say: yeah…you can call me SickBoy, that’s what everybody calls me. Not that there is anything wrong with that nickname…it’s perfectly fine, LOL, there are probably hundreds of guys out there who like to be called SickBoy instead of their real names! Let’s hope not.
Anyway, the invitations I’m used to receiving go a little bit more like this:
¿Ey, on tan las cheves?
¿Qué, vamos por un doce?
Te ‘tamos esperando. ¿Vas a venir o no?
And while it may all be in good fun – the drinking, the bullshit talking, the music, the company, even the nicknames – the main thing to remember is that ‘to pistear right’ can really be an art form. No, not drinking as much as you can as fast as you can, but instead knowing exactly what your limitations are and trying to keep within them as much as possible. Yes, we’ve all gotten wasted before – some of us more than others – and the truth is we all eventually learn that getting ‘shit-faced’ all of the time, or some of the time, is really just not worth it. Nada más think about the crudota the next day!
So si vas a pistear, do it right. And kiddos, wait until your old enough to drink!
*Consider this my public service announcement for the week.
5 thoughts on “The Art Of ‘La Pisteada’”
LMNO!! Good PSA, Juan. I’ve always heard this term, since adolescent daze and hearing others toss it around and invite each other.
I understand that some Latin American countries use the term pisto to mean cash, bucks, etc. I’m not familiar with that term. I might have heard that when pisteando with others. Maybe.
I love this statement of yours: ” – the main thing to remember is that ‘to pistear right’ can really be an art form.”
That lesson of how to ‘pistear right’ is one that takes a heck of a long time for a lot of us to learn, that’s why I really think knowing how much one can drink without getting stupid is an actual art form.. It’s the difference between throwing a few back and having a good time, and ending the night as a train wreck because you just didn’t know when to stop.
Anyway, it’s part of life. But when you get there, to that point, where you put your safety and well being first, una pisteada tastes so much better. LOL!
Salud bro 🙂
jajajajajajajajajajaj the name cracks me up… Sickboi? funny shaz…. I use to pistear all the time.. then i had kids and pisteando got too expensivo.. and la cruda mas horrible… ya mejor me quedo en la casa bloggeando de mis dias de pisteando..p.s. love how u put el borracho de la loteria up as ur pic… i never grab a card if it dont have el borracho!
Nikkeya, WOW! That is commitment & lealtad to El Borracho in Loteria, lol! And yes, the older we get the more we talk about the days/nights that were when we were younger and crazier…or just didn’t know any damn better, jajaja!! Let’s keep blogging mejor 🙂
I’m all about doin’ the drinkin’ right, bro.
So…if I pistear a little too much, does that mean I got pis’ed?