After our two weeks of traveling the country I knew there would be a few stories to tell, what I didn’t honestly expect was for one of them to be this one. So one day before we were preparing to hit the road back to Texas, kind of disappointed that my sister still hadn’t gone into labor with her first born before we left, what we’d been hoping for happened! She started having pains and we knew we would get to meet the new baby before we’d leave.
My sister lives in another state and we don’t get to see her and her family as often as we’d like. Now with the new baby on the way we wanted to be the first to meet her and had planned our vacation around the idea that maybe, just maybe, she’d go into labor while we were visiting. Ironically, when it all started happening it all seemed a little surreal, to me at least.
Immediately I became central command for the rest of my family in Texas, sending them constant updates and answering questions about just how close she might have been to having the baby. Ahora les confieso that I was just guessing about everything because, well, what the hell do I know about childbirth?? Anyhow, when baby Sofia finally made her grand entrance into this world, my excitement overwhelmed me! That’s the simplest way to put it.
My mother was flying in that evening and we had to go and pick her up from the airport to bring her back to the hospital to meet her new granddaughter – mind you we were visiting the area as well and were dealing with a very moody GPS system on our phones that came in and out of range whenever it felt like it, and a car full of kids that were pretty fed up with sitting in the car by this point. In between yelling at the kids, holding a conversation with Anjelica, and wondering how I was going to get to the airport in time, there I was walking towards the parking garage with my cell phone in my hand as I answered a text message from my brother. The hospital has a sky bridge that connected us to the parking garage without having to go out onto the street. As I was typing my text, right before looking up to yell at the kids to slow down, SMACK!!!, dead into the glass wall separating the parking garage from the elevator area I crashed! It was a painful reality check that I was doing too much at the same time.
The only thing that saved me from smacking my entire face into the glass wall was the new cap I’d bought in Nashville, Tennessee, and had been wearing religiously for days now. As I tried to play it off like nothing had happened and desperately looked around to make sure no one had seen me, Anjelica turned around in disbelief and just started cracking up. She proceeded to ask me if I was okay and then to tell the kids what had just happened. I said I wasn’t in pain and laughed it off, but more than anything I was embarrassed that I was so despistado to crash into an entire wall. Even now, just thinking about it makes me crack up.
Needless to say I didn’t text and walk the rest of the time we were on vacation.
My new niece, by the way, is beautiful and perfect!
8 thoughts on “Crashing Into Glass Walls And The New Baby”
Glad you’re safely back home, (no broken nose despite your little crash), and the proud new Tio of a healthy sobrina 🙂
No more texting and walking. A couple weeks ago a girl fell onto the Metro tracks for the same reason. Luckily a guy helped her out of there before the train came!
They should put little butterflies in their windows like I have at home! Guess it wouldn’t have helped you much…men are just not multi-taskers like we girls are. Glad the ball cap saved you!
Josette, normally I’d disagree with you and say that we men can multitask as good as any woman, if not better, but with the story I just shared I don’t honestly think I have much room to talk, hahaha!
Tracy, always so kind to me 🙂 Thank you for the congrats and for making me feel less like a menso, tiji!
Congratulations & Welcome to the world Baby Sofia!!!!
Good admission, hermano! Not many guys would confess to doing that, we’d find a way to blame it on the moving wall, moving building, or some other outer force.
Congratulations and a big welcome to the world to your niece!
Thanks Joe and Buttercup! I’m so glad we got to welcome Sofia before we left… and yeah, Joe, it wouldn’t have done any good to deny it, the wife would have shared the story anyhow, LOL!
Funny!! I would have paid to see that!
Welcome back!