What do you do when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? You’re mad, you’re in a terrible mood, and you’re just not feeling another new day… otra semana más. That’s precisely my situation this lunes. Not for any particular reason. Just because. So, borrowing from the many “pushers” of positive thinking, both online and offline, let me compile a list of things that always make me happy. If you’re in the same mood as me this week I hope this list is especially useful.

Who doesn’t feel better after their morning coffee!? I’ve had my fill this morning. Pitch black just the way I like it. And today, the coffee was already made so nadie tuvo que ver mi mala cara.
Since I’m also borrowing from The Bangles – who still remembers this group? – for the title of this post, why not make their song the official soundtrack of it as well. I don’t know that they would have normally been my first choice for mood-changer-of-a-song, but tampoco puedo negar that a good song always puts me in a better mood, eventually.
Un Buen Chisme

And of course, nothing like a good bishin session (La Hora del Chisme as I like to call it) to get one laughing and talking about the silliest things that don’t matter at all, and for some reason still have the capability to make one feel more at ease.
Ya hasta se le quito el coraje a este corajudo… Good morning everyone!!