Juan of Words

A Twitter Party con Benefits! Close Even If Far Away #CricketContigo

You know it’s a party when the piñata gets thrown into the mix.  Excuse me!  I mean a pachanga.  That’s what I’ll be co-hosting next week as the Only and First hombre to have ever been invited to soltarse el pelo and tweet-chat with the ladies of Latina Bloggers Connect.  What an honor!  Though, I’m still a little confused as to why they chose this schmuck to be their primeroComo quien dice, don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear the answers to.  Mejor me quedo en el who knows?

Remember to RSVP for your chance to win.

But enough about me!  The pachanga, or virtual chat on Twitter, is really about a great topic: Cerca aunque lejos / Close even if far away, the painstaking process of being separated from your loved ones, but the hope of always feeling close to them no matter how physically far away you might be.  Growing up, this reality was always just a part of our lives.  Por suerte, my parents and us were never separated.

They unfortunately weren’t so lucky.

And sadly in those days it was almost impossible to communicate regularly with their familia.  It was expensive!  And in our rancho only two people had phones that worked cuando les daba la gana.  Half the time service was just unavailable, like the water and light too.  But we made do.  That’s why it was really cool to learn about the new things that Cricket is doing to bring families closer to one another across borders!  They’ll be telling us all about it at the fiesta.

And the mix of hosts isn’t too shabby either – joining me for the convo are @CuponeandoLive@ohmariana@spanglishbaby, @latinaish, and myself (@JuanofWords)  – the platica will be moderated by @lbconnect with special guest @micricket.

Just by showing up, you’ll qualify to win some pretty great prizes, including the aforementioned piñatas.  But you have to RSVP!

So sign up and see you there on : Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 7pm-8:30pm EST/6-7:30pm CST on Twitter. Hashtag: #CricketContigo.

(Read more about the chat and prizes here and then go HERE to RSVP to the #CricketContigo Twitter party!)

Disclosure: This is not a paid or sponsored post. My participation in the Twitter party itself will be paid. This post conforms to WordPress.com Terms of Service. As always, all opinions are my own.

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