This post is entirely gratuitous and just for fun! Me encontre esta foto online and thought it would be perfect for you guys to write a caption about. Obviously están bien entraditos into whatever it is they are doing… but what exactly that is I don’t know. So how ’bout you take a jab at filling me in? Leave me your most creative caption below.

As an aside, this video does a pretty good job of explaining what the whole Botas Picudas movement is all about. And now, time for a little confession – I secretly want a pair of these boots! Seriously!!
10 thoughts on “Write The Caption: Botas Picudas – Mexican Pointy Boots”
Round Up Cockroaches Into A Corner And Kill Them In One Swift Kick
Elf or Hobbit?
Ahora si como quien dice, el que mas picudas las traiga que se apronte primero 🙂
This is what you call dancing with your best foot forward!
Picudos y zapatones – el sueño de toda mujer, jajaja! Soy fan de las botas picudas tambien
now that’s a gang fight
Y’all are great! Funny captions 🙂
yo dats watz up!!! my friends n i thought n still think dey r cool…keep on doin yall thng…here NC dey r tryin but dey cnt do it lik yall
Botas tribaleras!!<3 😀 ahaha they be dancing!