Not to replace the original spoon you can eat, of course – the tortilla! – these crafty little creations, you’ve got to admit, look kind of interesting. Like we could all be shopping for them at a store near us in a couple of months, but alas, at the moment these spoon-shaped nachos (spoonachos, how clever is that?) are only the brainchild of Serbian designer and innovator Denis Bostandzic.
Bostandzic must be a huge fan of the nacho because it looks like he went through a whole lot of trouble to dream up this edible design.
Looking at this picture, the idea seems so simple it’s almost ingenious.
A couple of people, though, have already pointed out – “now we need edible forks and knifes too!” ¡Calmados! Let the man think.
Yet others have cried foul, saying Frito Lay already has Scoops!
En lo personal, I’m more impressed with the concept of actually designing such a chip than the chip itself. That in it of itself seems to require a lot of mad skills!
Oh yeah, the project is for sale so if you know anyone who’s in the business of buying new chip designs let Denis know 🙂