Arrullar. To put one to sleep. Or in this tertiary definition on WordReference.com, which by the way is my favorite, it means to enamorar con palabras dulces (to make one fall in love with sweet words). ¡Ay caray! ¡Qué románticon!
In reality my reason for selecting this word is much less on the amoroso side.
Last night while running my mouth, somehow we ended up talking about falling asleep in front of the television. Or more appropriately, having the television put one to sleep. ¡Arrullarnos! This always happens to me these days! I’m convinced that it’s because I’m getting older. Before I used to be able to stay up until all hours of the night, sometimes not even going to sleep until after 48 hours of being awake… but now, as soon as 1:00 a.m. hits, my body is ready to roll over and fall asleep.
Seriously! It doesn’t even matter where we are anymore. I can fall asleep just about anywhere! Sitting down, laying down, standing up, in the bed, on the sofa, in the car, in a stranger’s home… anywhere! My body is in complete control these days!
I will say though, being the big baby that I am, getting arrullado really does feel great. Even if it is only by the television sometimes.
9 thoughts on “Mexi-Vocabulario: Arrullar”
Que lindo Compadre! I LOVE LOVE LOVE el momento de arrullar a mi bebé pa dormirlo. It´s not just putting him down to sleep, it´s having him close, humming “a la ro ro nene”, and watching his curious eyes start to close little by little. Para mi, todo eso es arrullar… so now that I think about it, it has a lot to do with love! Jaja!
Que tierno! That’s what it always remind me of… “a la ru y la ru-ri-ta” es como nos cantaban a nosotros 🙂
oh my goodness! Is this a regular segment on your blog, “Mexi-vocabulario?” I LOOOOOOVE this! What a great idea for people like me who are still learning. Now I can impress hubby with a new word!
Hi Tara, I am trying to make this a more regular segment on the blog because I have a lot of fun with the words! Very happy that you like it! If you have any suggestions… they are definitely welcome 🙂
a toda madre!