A ver, so… yo por andar de mitotero ¡mira nada más de lo que me enteré!
Mitotero, the only word in that sentence that stood out to me. Mostly in telenovelas and variety shows is where I’ve heard it before since at our house metiche and chismoso were much more common. And apparently there are a couple of different definitions of what exactly mitotero means.
El Urban Dictionary says – being up, or getting mixed up, in business or information that has no relationship to you whatsoever. Being up in the mix where you DON’T belong. Prying into the affairs and business of others.
tuBabel says – chismoso, comunicativo.
While La Real Academia Española offers the following definition – 1. adj. Am. Que hace mitotes (‖ melindres). 2. adj. Am. Bullanguero, amigo de diversiones. 3. adj. Méx. Que hace mitotes (‖ pendencias).
Though the best explanation, I believe, is in a picture. I hope mine in this post does a good enough job of illustrating the word mitotero.
12 thoughts on “Mexi-Vocabulario: ¡Mitotero!”
Ha! Love it! I use to hear that word growing up all the time. It’s like being a snitch right?
You got it! Being nosy, chismoso, and bien metiche… o sea, me! Lol
Mitotero! Now that’s a word you hear a lot at my house. Usually my kiddies telling my youngest, “No seas mitotero!” As in, “Don’t be a tattletale!”
Pero un buen mitote, now that’s juicy gossip. 🙂
Love the pics!
Hahaha, Leslie! I wish we used that word more around here. It’s such a great one 🙂
Mitotero para mi es hacer algo de la nada, escandaloso, exagerado. Every time someone got hurt and scream, cry and totally overreact, my lovely abuelita said: ¡No te pasó nada, no seas mitotero! 😀
Hey, I’ve heard that version too, Judy! Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Judy has by far the true meaning of ‘mitotero’. Juan of Words you are wrong!
Interesting. I always use “chismoso” and have never heard “mitotero” before. I think you need to add a picture tho–you need the one where you’re telling someone the ill-gotten info, no?
laprofe, creo q tienes toda la razon… that picture is still missing & often is the best moment in the chisme, lol
Funny that I came across your blog post today when I was showing students how to look up unusual or unfamilar words. How cool is that!?!
The word mitoteros is used by Luis Valdez in his 1968 Acto “La Conquista de Mexico” that he wrote for El Teatro Campesino de Aztlan. I had to look it up when I first read the play way back in the 90s when I first started studying Chicano lit. Here’s the quote:
MOCTEZUMA: Como que parate? Todavia est.in aqui? Indios huevones, mitoteros! jPintense! Pero aqui los quiero el primero del mes con la renta. jLlrguense!
PIEDRA: And so Moctezuma was a powerful prince.
Here’s a link to the copy of the play that I scanned for use in my teaching! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e_offWPXAbsNsdYjo-uQWm2a2K2UOubf/view?usp=sharing (I used it in a small Chicano lit unit this week at my present school. 4/27/21)