You know how they say necessity is the mother of all invention? Well this little gem I found online just made me crack up about how ingenious we really can be when push comes to shove. In this case I’m assuming there just wasn’t a cooler or a refrigerator anywhere in site. Either that or the folks at Laugh It Out really have an incredible sense of humor and a wickedly great creative side. I’d say probably both, but it also got me thinking about something else.
Why don’t we play a game with this picture? You write the caption – make it as funny and clever as you can – and the winner, according to how hard you make me laugh, will win a special Juan of Words goodies bag. Nothing sponsored or brand oriented, just a couple of hand selected goodies from yours truly that will hopefully put a smile on your face.
Leave your comment and an email address where I can contact you here, on or before midnight on Friday, March 30, 2012, and I’ll let you know if you should expect a special prize pack from me in the near future.
Happy miercoles!