For all of you obsessed with the ultimate Latino home, like me – in my case, it would be the ultimate Mexi Style home – I hope you find the following pictures inspirational. Somehow, in real life, and especially with huercos in the house, it almost seems impossible to keep our casitas this spic and span. Not even 4-0-9 can do the job sometimes! Think of it too, as validation for all the time you spend on Pinterest… just fantasizing about all of these beautiful things también.

La costura is really what caught my eye in this one. My mom has been a fervent embroiderer since I can remember, and her and lots of other señoras have always talked shop about costuras. The rest of the bedroom is pretty amazing too!
These neon colors were in style in Mexico, and across Latin America, way before fashionistas across the globe jumped on the trend.
DAYUM… the baño is nice!!
To me, this is a little bit more sophisticated, but still very nice.
The room is a little bland. But the colors on the wall están a toda madre!
Finally… the patio. Oh, the patio! Except for the pink tone, I could definitely see myself laying right there on that pillowed bench, scrolling through my phone, a Margarita in one hand, a puro in the other one, and just feeling the cool breeze tease every single strand of my hair in the wind.
Ahhh… we did say this was a fantasy, verdad?!
Keep the dreams alive folks!