¿Adió, a poco nada más te hizo mala cara?
¿Adió, y esta qué se cree?
¡Adío! ¿Y a mi qué?
Fíjate que fulanita se peleó con el marido ayer.
If you haven’t guessed by now, today’s Mexi-Vocabulario is all about that very short and simple word we Mexicans love to use to spice up our conversations. Especialmente when we are in el chisme. It means something similar to “really,” as in: 1) that you honestly don’t believe what your comadre or compadre is telling you, or 2) that you do believe them, but that you just want to be extra dramatic and that you want them to repeat whatever it was they just said. If you’re thinking “oh no, that’s really not me,” you should know equally metiche vocabulary also includes phrases in español like: ¿a poco? ¿de verdad? ¿no me digas?
Admit it. You know it feels good to use them!
Now if you’re thinking, or saying, “¡ay no mames guey! That’s not what that word means!” …pues, you’re just going to have to take my word for it! There aren’t any formal definitions of adío in the Real Academia Española, or even the Urban Dictionary for that matter. Well, there are a couple for “adio” without the accent, but they are talking about something completely different. Some of them are pretty hilarious if you get a chance to read them.
Pero bueno, keep the Mexi-Vocabulario words coming! I want to thank my compatriota Paty M. who sent me this palabra and was gracious enough to let me share it with all of you! Not only are we paisanos, we’re also from the same part of Mexico también!
I’m always on the hunt for new mexi-vocabulario.
What other words would you like me to include in the mexi-vocabulario? If you have one that you would recommend please share it with me here.
Writer’s Disclaimer: When I say mexi-vocabulario I don’t necessarily mean these words are exclusively Mexican, or only used by Mexicans. This is simply an expression of how they were introduced to me in our Mexican Spanish.
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