Kind of ridiculous, that as much as I love hot sauce and really anything spicy, I’m just now getting around to writing about this Mexi-Vocabulario word: ¡Enchilar! As in me enchile, te enchilaste, nos enchilamos. Basically, that the spice in something was so hot it burned. Though you can also use the word to mean you’re getting angry, you are angry, or you were angry.
Here are some examples:
¡Me enchile bien feo!
Mejor ya bajale… me voy a enchilar.
Ayer, me enchilaste con ese comentario.
Not that I’ve had any of these uttered to me or anything, jajaja. At least not lately. What really got me thinking about enchilar as Mexi-Vocabulario were a couple of comadres the other day. Well, that and my metiche eavesdropping on their conversation. One of them was going on and on about some tamales another one of her comadres had made. Apparently they were pretty spicy. I know so because she kept saying it over and over again… to the point that at one point during their conversation I caught myself rolling my eyes. I know. ¿Quién me manda andar de metiche? So I just shut up and kept listening.
Nombre comadre estaba bien picoso. ¡Me enchile bien feo! Bien picoso estaba… no me enchile con una mordidita comadre. Una mordidita bien chuiquita. Me enchile bien feo. Fijese, estaba bien picoso. Aeeyyy, no le digo… She went on like this for another 10 minutes before they changed the conversation to something less interesting. I stopped listening after that.
Still, afterwards I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Por algo siempre digo that the best inspiration in life always comes from life itself!
Now it’s your turn. Go eavesdrop on a complete stranger’s conversation yourself.
Add some spice to your life!
Just don’t hold me accountable if you get slapped.
I’m always on the hunt for new mexi-vocabulario.
What other words would you like me to include in the mexi-vocabulario? If you have one that you would recommend please share it with me here.
Writer’s Disclaimer: When I say mexi-vocabulario I don’t necessarily mean these words are exclusively Mexican, or only used by Mexicans. This is simply an expression of how they were introduced to me in our Mexican Spanish.
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3 thoughts on “Mexi-Vocabulario: ¡Enchilar!”
I mix jalapenos with tuna. Three plants in my garden; they’re addictive.
Oh yes, tuna with chile peppers… delicioso! I do that too.
I love your vocabulario posts. Keep them coming.