You know how some people sing in the shower? Pues, I do it in the car. There’s something about driving down the open road that just makes me want to belt out notes like I can actually hit them. The blasting speakers always make it seem like I can.
Right now my album of choice is Pecados y Milagros by Lila Downs, and I’ve already downloaded it onto my phone… so you should probably consider this a warning. If you see a mexicano driving down the interstate, pounding his chest, and wiping una que otra tear from his face as he sings his heart out, that would be me. That’s the thing about this album. It’s that good!
The songs remind me of my childhood and bring back a flood of memories that at times make me want to tear up. If you’re a fan of rancheras you should definitely check it out too. I’ll be playing it to my heart’s content on our Texas Road Trip!