So Samy is on Mira Quien Baila this season. “Samy from Miami” to be more precise – who knew? That in it of itself is not really that much of a shock. I mean what else is the Divo up to these days? What was kind of a little eyebrow-lifting, last night, on the premiere Univision’s hit series, is just how open the once-mum-about-his-sexuality hairdresser now was about his relationship with longtime partner Alex.
The happy couple have been together for 36 years. This was also the first time I had ever heard Samy speak so candidly about his sexuality.
Ten years ago this would never have happened. Much less would it have been aired on Univision or Telemundo, on prime time, for that matter. Hell, not even a couple of years ago would this have likely happened… I don’t think.
So, what does that say about us?
Are we more accepting now of different lifestyles? Are we finally at the point as a US Spanish-language television watching audience where we can view same sex partners in a different, less slapstick, “poking fun of” or insulting sort of way?
I guess in a way that remains to be seen… depending on how much support Samy is able to garner and how long that support is able to keep him on the show.
Could Samy quite possibly be breaking new ground?