¡Te la bañáste!
¡Nombre, ya ni la amuelas!
¡No te la acabas!
All variations of the single act of bañársela, or perhaps more comprehensible, as the act of overstepping one’s boundaries, be they self-imposed or otherwise. In non-mexicano or straight up Spanish, you might assume this Mexi-Vocabulario term might have something to do with taking a shower… or a bath. You’d be wrong! Instead, to bañársela has everything to do with being inappropriate and/or even to some degree, kind of immoral. Por lo menos, according to the definition in Spanish: exceder los límites de la moral y de las buenas costumbres preestablecidos.
In English, to exceed moral limits and pre-established norms of good manners.
Uyy, kind of heavy verdad?
The most immediate example that comes to mind – and don’t judge me folks – is Teresa from The Real Housewives of New Jersey. I have been faithfully watching every single episode of these shows on YouTube, LOL! We don’t have cable at home remember. Pero, pues… in my book she’s the epitome of inappropriate.
I can almost hear Doña Lucha yelling at the television: ¡Nombre, mijita te la bañáste!
What’s your interpretation of this palabra?
I’m always on the hunt for new mexi-vocabulario.
What other words would you like me to include in the mexi-vocabulario? If you have one that you would recommend please share it with me here.
Writer’s Disclaimer: When I say mexi-vocabulario I don’t necessarily mean these words are exclusively Mexican, or only used by Mexicans. This is simply an expression of how they were introduced to me in our Mexican Spanish.
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