How are you all liking Anjelica‘s Halloween series? I’m so inspired by all of her crafty creations. ¡Qué mujer! I wish I could do that.
Today, though, I wanted to write to you about something else. A couple of weeks ago, for about 10 weeks, I was participating in an international competition with Yahoo En Español. Basically, I was sharing their content with you all through all of my social media networks, and they were measuring the clickthroughs on my shares to determine how many points I scored each day. Low and behold, at the end of it all, I came out as the first place winner in the United States!
Woo-hoo! It was quite the achievement for my ego – jajaja, un poquito nomás – and well, of course I want to share this triunfo with you all too! So in appreciation for clicking on my links and putting up with the extra shares from my accounts, I want to send one of you a $100 Amazon Gift Card. In reality, I would love to send all of you a gift, but you know… we can’t afford that!
So instead I hope you’ll all accept this as my token of appreciation for everyone of you. All you have to do to enter for a chance to win this gift card is leave me a comment with your email address on this post on or before Friday, November 2, 2012. I will pull the winner and make an announcement here as well by the end of next week at the latest.
Gracias & Good Luck!