This won’t be the usual heartfelt, thought provoking, insightful post from me – ¡miralo nomás! ¿quién lo viera? ¡qué humilde el guey! This is more a compilation of the random thoughts going on inside my head as I try to laugh and pretend I agree with everyone else who thinks the Mayans were just plain wrong about the world ending tomorrow. Just in case… here’s what’s already on my checklist for tonight!
1. Change your chones. You have to be wearing clean underwear, just in case, for whatever might happen.
2. Eat as much as you want of whatever you want. If the world does end who knows when I’ll be able to get the # 4 at Taquería Alteño (the Quesadilla Grande) again!
3. Roll down the windows in your car and sing as loud as you can all the way home. I always do this anyway, but usually with the windows up.
4. Call my momma and tell her how much I love her. Yeah, I’m a big momma’s boy ¿y qué?
5. Be extra nice to Anjelica and see how nice she is to me in return… 🙂
6. Tweet whatever the hell comes into my head without filtering myself at all.
7. Fill up the bathtub with water. They always say to do this on the news in case of all kinds of emergencies. I’ll have ours full just in case.
8. Scope out the neighbors to see who’s storing what in bulk. If I see someone stocking up on gas or water ya sabré a dónde arrimarme. I’ll also be making a mental note of who I can take and who I can’t.
9. Pump air into all of our bikes just in case we need to get away from any of our neighbors with their supplies. I don’t think any of them can run that fast anyway.
10. And finally, pick up some pan dulce or something else sweet to munch on while I await anxiously for midnight.
You all should do the same too! I’ll see you all tomorrow. Maybe…
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2 thoughts on “10 Things We Should All Do, Just In Case The World Really Does End Tomorrow”
Funny stuff!