I’m not a fan of Chino y Nacho. Not usually anyway. The one song they did have that I kind of liked quickly wore on me and I hadn’t paid much attention to them since. But. But… the lyrics of their new song Regálame Un Muack are so hilarious and catchy that I couldn’t resist them, or the song. All my efforts have been futile, believe me. The words that stole my heart, and make me laugh every time I hear them are these:
Echate pa’ca pa’ morderte la trompita,
Echate pa’ca pa’ darte un beso de novela
Pa’ enseñarte como es que se besa en Venezuela.
Which of course in my cabezita begs the following question. ¿¡Cómo es que se besa en Venezuela?! Seriously! If the below pictures are any indication, it does look like a lot of fun! Am I wrong?
And for further proof, here’s the video!
Now tell me you’re not curious too!
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