So taking a cue from all of you who have shared some pretty awesome nicknames with me over the last couple of months, I’m calling this Version 2.0 of our Latino Nicknames. We won’t go into any long drawn out introduction about how some of these nicknames came about (we can save that for the comments aquí abajo), instead let’s just get right into the task at hand. Some of these are from my own family. Some of them you all have shared. They are all a wonderful expression of who we are and how we choose to communicate with one another.
True terms of endearment I like to say:
Yuca, Chango, Nena, Flacuncha, Pirulo, Chancla, YaYa, Torito, El Boy, La Pimienta, El Mace, El Ratoncito, La Cebolla, El Chicle, Cito, Chito, Lora, Chelita, Chente, Mama Chayito, Papa Ben, Mamatule, Papanino, Gorda, Flaca, Chule, Chompiras, El Batman, Lluni, Lola, Tini, Chuy, Juanito, Blanquis, Prieta, Guera, Yunior, Chello, Vocha, Tito, Tota, Balde, Miklo, Migue, Bobbi, Chupis, Chela, Chabela, Dora, Epi, Fania, Chana, Noy, Fina, Yoli, Loli, Nine, Mite…
And well, I could go on forever, but now it’s your turn!
What other apodos or nicknames could you add to this list?
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9 thoughts on “Latino Nicknames 2.0 – Our Terms Of Endearment!”
My favorites – Chencha & Mugrosa
Mine growing up were Chave, Ita, Isa, Chata. I also had a cousin called La Negra, and a guy called El Poste
My sister-in-law calls me Betidiana. My husband gets irritated when she says it a lot so I have a feeling it’s not something English-speakers would consider positive. But he won’t tell me what it is and Google hasn’t helped. I wonder if it’s some old fat lady from their neighborhood.
Chinita, chulita, gordita, Nena, Negra. I used to call my great-grandfather Pipatoño and my grandmother’s oldest sister Tía Abuelita, or Tía Walita.
All great ones, Laurita!
Parece que soy un poquito “White-wash” ya que no tengo tan buenos apodos para compartir:
My 4’10” sister is “Chapara”
My thin niece is “Gorda”
My nephew calls my brother-in-law “Primo”
A good friend of mine is “Querido”
My mom sometimes calls me “Laly” (I guess it is short for Gladys?… if pronounced the Latina way)
Laly, that’s a good one. Two of my sisters are Lola and Tina for short, my brothers are Chuy y Lluni. Me and my youngest sisters don’t really have any good apodos that we’re known by. Juan is Juanito, Juancho, pero none of those have ever stuck, lol