If you’re anything like me or you’ve had half the week I’ve had this week you probably could use a little laughter and music in your life right about ahorita! I’ve been all over the place, blogging so randomly you’re probably like “¿y este loco qué tiene? did he get a life or something?” Well sadly, or not so sadly, however you want to see that, the answer is no. I’ve just been going through a couple of hiccups in life, shall we say.
Originally my plan was to do a whole hoopla around Valentine’s Day, pero bueno as that bumper sticker used to say “s…t happens!”
I did, however, want to at least share some very savvy advice from Mr. Ramon Ayala. Well, his mother I guess…. Well, whatever the case, you have to admit there is a lot of truth to this cancioncita. How many of your madrecita’s ever recited this same advice to you once upon a time?
Next week will be better. I hope it will be anyway. Have a great finde!
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2 thoughts on “Cuando Apenas Era Un Jovencito…”
Ramon Ayala…classico…lol ironically i think his mom is right… but sometimes love leads to “tragos amargos” hahahaha
jaja! Great connection. On a related note, I can apparently sing the crap out of Tragos de Amargo Licor on karaoke 🙂