So milk has always been a huge part of our lives. Since I was a kid actually. My mom would serve us these giant glasses of milk and say andelen tomensela pa que crezcan sino se van a quedar así bien chiquillos. Obviously I heeded her warnings as you can tell!
Pero milk was also one of those things we couldn’t be without. If we didn’t have anything else in our refrigerator we had to have milk. Coincidentally la lecha makes a great companion to so many meals. Frijol tacos and milk for breakfast, oh yeah you could call that a breakfast of champions too.
Later on when Anjelica and I met she introduced me to some pretty new ways of using milk. In our scrambled eggs now we always add a little milk to them before we cook them in a skillet. It makes the scrambled eggs extra tasty and fluffy. We’re now also the ones sitting glasses of milk in front of Edgar and urging him to drink up so he can grow up strong and healthy.
Sadly, a healthy glass of milk is not always as readily available for other children.
The “got milk?” Campaign and Fuel Up to Play 60 Breakfast Blitz program that I’m participating in is not only encouraging more kids to drink milk but it is also helping to provide $250,000 in grants to local schools across the country to help give kids greater access to a healthy breakfast.
You can help make that happen!
If you buy milk before tomorrow, February 17th you can vote to have a portion of your purchase go to a local school in your community.
Here’s how:
1) Login to http://milk.am/dadbblitz
2) Enter the UPC code of the milk you just bought.
3) Vote for one of your local schools to increase their chances of winning a Fuel Up to Play 60 breakfast grant.
Oh and one more thing. When you participate you also enter yourself for the chance to win some pretty cool prizes, including possible tickets to the 2014 Super Bowl. If that’s not a reason enough to enter pos then I don’t know what is.
¡No sean pachorrudos! Vote to help a local school out.
If you didn’t already know, an 8 ounce glass of milk contains nine essential nutrients, including eight grams of high-quality protein. Protein in the morning can help keep you full, so you don’t feel hungry by mid-morning.
This is a sponsored post. I wrote this post while participating in the got milk? FUTP60/Breakfast Blitz Promotion. There’s no purchase necessary. See rules for official details, enter here: http://milk.am/dadbblitz.