It wasn’t too long ago that celebrities like Eva Longoria, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Alba, and yes even La Diva Del Bronx Jennifer Lopez could speak only a couple of words of Spanish before staring blankly into space in confusion and resorting back to their more comfortable tongue of English. They didn’t really speak Spanish and that was okay. In fact, it still is. The only notable difference these days is the amount of big time Latina starlets who are making the conscious decision to improve their Spanish.
Jennifer Lopez’s Spanish improved so much she was able to participate in the almost all Spanish-language television show Q’Viva The Chosen last year on Univision. And these days she’s almost always talking to the Spanish-speaking press in pretty good español.
Eva Longoria meanwhile is the new face of Lay’s potato chips in both English and Spanish. Her new language skills were such a big deal that Escandalo TV actually dedicated an entire segment to talking about how “all of a sudden Eva Longoria is speaking a lot better espanish!”
Personally, I think they’re on the right track! Why wouldn’t you want to speak better Spanish if it means you gain access to a whole new demographic of Latinos? It’s the easiest thing to do to increase your brand and celebrity. If you can be a star on Telemundo and Univision and in Hollywood, that’s the triple threat right there. All Latinas in Hollywood should be following suit!
¿Qué crossover ni que nada? You don’t have to speak perfect Spanish. Just speak it well enough for us to understand you.
We appreciate the esfuerzo.