As in a lot. No, not just a little bit of a lot. But a lot of a lot. ¡Un chingo! Some might say. ¡Un chorro! To be more color de rosa with our choice of words. Not that you have to be of course.
It had been a long while since I had heard anyone say this word anymore, but just the other day someone uttered it to me in a very matter of fact way. Immediately I was jotting it down on my notes. “Now there’s a great Mexi-Vocabulario word,” I thought as I profusely jotted down chorro between the words chapeada and mandilon on my ever growing list!
My trusty friends over at the Urban Dictionary (being sarcastic there) define chorro as:
juaSpanish for the “ishts” or diareah; aka hershey squirts.
Uhm… Ewww! ¿Cómo la ven? What’s your definition of the word?
¡Ya me dieron un chorro de ganas de saber!
I’m always on the hunt for new mexi-vocabulario.
What other words would you like me to include in the mexi-vocabulario? If you have one that you would recommend please share it with me here.
Writer’s Disclaimer: When I say mexi-vocabulario I don’t necessarily mean these words are exclusively Mexican, or only used by Mexicans. This is simply an expression of how they were introduced to me in our Mexican Spanish.
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