My younger brother and I have always been close. For a while in our teen years people actually thought we were the same person. We talked the same, and had the same voice. At least that’s what people would say. We dressed alike. And as my elder sisters will tell you, we even used to get the same haircuts. One year we shaved all of our hair off except for our front bangs, which we then proceeded to burn into a sunny red with hydrogen peroxide. Don’t ask me why, we just did. We thought we were cool.
In high school, when I didn’t want to go to class I’d make my brother ride with me to Burger King in the mornings to order a croissantwich… or two. That is until he protested that he actually did want to go to class and learn. I stopped forcing him after that, y por eso estabamos como estabamos.
When he decided to lose weight, and started to actually do it, he was the motivation I needed to get off my butt and exercise also. We lost 100 pounds each in one year! And then we slowly gained some, or most of it back (for some of us). Though that was before we decided to take a trip together to Cozumel in our early adult years. That was one of the best decisions we ever made because it’s one of the trips I will always hold very near and dear to my heart. ¡Nos la pasamos a toda madre!
In good times, and in the bad ones too, my younger brother has always been there for me. He’s made me laugh. He’s given me advice. He’s even scolded me a couple of times. Which in case you’re wondering, is not very pleasant at all considering he’s not the type of person to get angry very easily or very often. For whatever reason nos entendemos.
Tomorrow is his birthday. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the occasion than by taking a little stroll down memory lane.