For those of you who missed out, or didn’t know in time, last weekend Blog Elevated happened! A conference dedicated to boosting and upgrading your website, Blog Elevated took place right here in my backyard. There were a lot of new people to meet, as well as lots of old friends to reunite and catch up with. As you know, I live and breath Texas, and as a true and through Tejana I could not miss out on the this conference. With Houston as my playground, it was a match made in… well, right here in Texas!
From the moment we walked into the exhibitors hall and made our way to the registration table we were greeted with smiles. Familiar faces started to take shape from online avatars and it was all uphill from there. Speakers and panelists did not hold back from sharing any of their great knowledge and learnings with all of us in the crowd. Even my husband, who did not attend the conference, has been able to apply some of the take aways I came back with since then.
Rain did not darken the mood or stop the crowd from enjoying lunch at the hosting venue, CityCentre. And it was raining cats and dogs! Before dinner I was even able to do a little thrift store browsing nearby. My sister and I were in great company for the evening festivities. It was a hold-your-stomach wipe-away-your-tears kind of night.
I laughed so hard!
To Lisa, Bobbie and Kristi, you ladies are amazing! The speakers were phenomenal. Congratulations!
To Ilene and Amanda from BlogathonATX, thank you for sharing a table with us. You ladies are hysterical!