Por qué, what would life be without the metiches in life? Those people – ahem, ahem, not all that different from yours truly – who sometimes ask what they shouldn’t, who almost always want to know more instead of less, who don’t take no for an answer, who know how to eavesdrop even when they’re “sleeping,” and who can snoop around like nobody’s business. Yes, dear reader, “those people” very certainly include me.
On more than one occasion I’ve been told things are “none of my business!” I’ve stuck my nose where it didn’t belong, or as we say in Spanish: ¡he metido la cucharota! Pero bueno, that’s just the way I’m wired I guess.
The truth is the other reason we’ve decided to share the hashtag #metiche is because that’s precisely what social media is all about. At least on some level, everyone shares snippets of their life on social media networks to give others a glimpse into their individual lives and world. And websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, and so many others, are so successful because, well let’s face it, we all have a little bit of that #metiche curiosity in us, and we want to see what our friends, family, and long lost acquaintances are up to.
Por eso with the #metiche hashtag we invite you to share a snippet of your life with us on whatever social media platform you prefer. No rules or instructions. Share whatever you want, whenever you want, as much as you want. And we’ll do the same.
¡Y arriba la fuerza #Metiche!