Juan of Words



This weekend we were invited to a quinceañera. Well, to a sweet 16 really. Except for all intents and purposes it was really a quinceañera. There was the mass, chamberlanes and damas, the surprise dance, the father-daughter dance, el regalo sorpresa, and Juan’s sister was even the madrina de corona. 

It was a really nice event, sweet 16 or quince.

The night also had us reminiscing about the times we stood in fifteens as younger kids. I think that’s also a rite of passage of sorts. Even if you never had a quinceañera of your own, chances are you probably stood in someone else’s at some point in your teenage life. If you didn’t, well maybe you wanted to.

I managed to capture some footage from that night for this video. You would have had to have been there to truly appreciate the intimacy of this quinceañera, but I do hope you can appreciate what we thought were the nicest moments.

Gracias, and hey, why not subscribe? Here’s the link to do so: youtube.com/Juanofwords

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