Juan of Words

Mira Que Chistosito

Ay sí… mira que chistosito.

¡Que chistosito!

Ever heard that expression? Usually it’s accompanied with a head shake of dissatisfaction or a look that in today’s lexicon could be interpreted to mean “REALLY?!”

We heard it on the radio the other day. A guy was having the radio deejays prank call his wife in Mexico to find out if she was interested in another person… or if she was unfaithful, to be more frank. The lady didn’t take the bait and afterwards just kept repeating the following expression to her husband:

Mira que chistosito.

¡Que chistosito!

Que chistosito…

It started getting uncomfortable after a few seconds of the repetition. Enough for the deejays to quickly say goodbye to both parties and continue with their show. It was also pretty funny to listen to as impartial bystanders. We joked about what that next conversation between spouses might have been like. Let’s just say it probably wasn’t pretty. At all!

What’s your interpretation of this expression?

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