This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Cerveza Montejo. All opinions are our own.
Primavera. A time for new beginnings, new adventures, and most importantly making new memories. This is the time of year we always look forward to the most. It’s not too cold, not too hot, and just darn right near perfect here in the Lone Star State. A few months from now – well weeks really – the scorching Texas heat is going to take over and our traditionally extra long summers are going to send us running indoors to the nearest building or vehicle with air conditioning. For now, however, the weather is perfect for frolicking in the blue bonnets, picking up some Mexican antojitos from our favorite local spots, and enjoying friends and family outdoors.
Last weekend we spent some time out on the Texas countryside and that really got us thinking about some of our favorite primavera picks. You know, those things we look forward to doing every spring when the weather is this nice. One of those things, this year, was taking Edgar hand gliding. He actually flew 2,000 feet above the earth while we nervously waited for him to land back on solid ground last Saturday. It was gut wrenching, but he was ecstatic with excitement afterwards, and it likely will be a memory he will remember and cherish for many years to come.
And after all, isn’t that what spring is all about anyway? Here are some of our other top picks for the season.