Yes, it’s as delicious as it sounds. Anjelica and I spent the better part of our Saturday this weekend walking around Houston’s very own Tamale Festival Houston, which as you might imagine specializes in one very tasty and traditional Latino dish: tamales!
They had spicy tamales, pork tamales, chicken tamales, strawberry tamales, jalapeño and cheese tamales, Puerto Rican tamales. Wait, let’s stop there for a minute. The Puerto Rican tamales were boiled and then grilled. Pretty tasty if you ask me, and they were pretty popular too considering they were quite different from the rest of the selection available from various vendors. They actually had a line – which I stood in for about 30 minutes in order to get a taste of these larger-than-“normal-Mexican-tamales.
The verdict. They were well worth the wait.
Although after stuffing myself with so many varieties of tamales – not to mention the pork skewer, the corn in a cup, and the pupusa I just had to have – I was pretty full.
The good news is they had live music and other entertainment to keep us busy on a full stomach. One of the bands we stuck around to hear was Metalachi. If you haven’t heard of them before you probably soon will. They bill themselves as the world’s first and only heavy metal mariachi, and as you might imagine they were quite unorthodox. An interesting hybrid between both genres that didn’t actually sound like either – save for a few moments when one of the band members serenaded an audience member to one of Vicente Fernandez’s classics, or when the crowd joined the band in singing Every Rose Has It Thorn.
That was pretty fun.
Oddly enough I didn’t end up taking any pictures of tamales. I’ve been practicing taking better pictures of people so that’s what I ended up with. A couple of shots from our DSLR camera of some of the people who were there with us celebrating all of the tamale goodness.

Now, we’re definitely looking forward to next year!