Juan of Words

Dear Friends

Hey, friends. It’s been a while since we’ve really sat down and communicated.

There have been a lot of things happening on this end.

Some of them good.

Some of them pretty sad and messed up.

I’ve launched a business that’s now over one year old.

That keeps me pretty busy most days.

I had to deal with the passing of my father.

I’m still actually dealing with that.

Edgar is now going into high school.

The other day I had a pretty bad accident that still has me limping a little bit, and not fully recuperated just yet.

But I am getting better.

We’ve been to Miami, Connecticut, and Arkansas in the last couple of months.


I might be traveling more soon.

But right now I’m just getting back into the swing of things again.

Hope you are doing well, whatever you are up to right now.


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