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Edgar and I have been waiting for Venom to be released on Blu-ray since we first saw the movie in theaters. Unlike most films in the superhero genre, journalist Eddie Brock is one lead with superhuman strength who’s not afraid to teeter on the brink of mischief and mayhem. Not only is the character’s development dark and humorous, he’s also kind of an every day “Joe” character with a lot of heart and grit.
We cracked up a lot during the movie, and also glanced over at each other knowingly more than once. That’s the thing about Tom Hardy as Venom – he’s very convincing. Now that Walmart has released both Venom and The Equalizer 2 on Blu-ray this month, we know just what we are doing the next time it’s just the guys at home.
Coincidentally, it’s a brand new day for Anjelica in our home these days.
Her little boy who once used to revel at any opportunity to cuddle next to her and talk about his day – and seemingly his every thought – is now almost a young man. Or as he would have us believe, a man (albeit a very young one at that).
These days I’m his confident in our family unit.
He’s much more comfortable opening up to me about “guy things,” as he says. Mostly anything having to with girls. It’s perfectly natural as any parent of boys, or young men more accurately, will tell you. There comes a time in a young man’s life when he just needs the advice and counsel of other males. For me, my sounding boards growing up were almost always my two brothers – Chuy and Lluni. When they weren’t around or available, or when something was much too personal to involve them, I would either figure things out on my own or recruit my friends to entertain my situation or dilemma until together we came up with a solution.

Sure my dad was around, but his was a different generation. We didn’t talk about girls and crushes, much less sex. At least not seriously. If we happened to be around a group of guys and somebody used innuendo to reference sexuality or the opposite sex, we would all react accordingly, but that was it. If it did go further the adults in the room never let us kids on.
With Edgar, I made a conscience decision to make sure we could talk about anything. Time and time again I have reiterated to him that he can tell me whatever is on his mind, regardless of what it is. In an attempt to stress my sincerity about the offer I have even offered to only listen and not speak or react when needs me to. Anyone that knows me knows that’s not the easiest thing for me to do, but for him I am willing to do it.

The older he gets, I am proud to say, the closer our relationship has become. I see a lot of myself in him. I don’t think you can ever get used to that. We have a lot the same tastes. We have similar temperaments. And we like a lot of the same movies as well. That’s actually one of our favorite pastimes together. On many Friday evenings after I pick him up from school we sit on our couch at home debating what movie we will play on the TV to unwind together. He from a long week of schoolwork and after school football or basketball practice. Me from meetings, clients, proposals, brainstorming sessions, and more meetings, and emails.

With this campaign I knew it would be a no-brainer. We both enjoy action and adventure movies. He loves the superhero genre so Venom was sure to be a hit. I have always enjoyed Denzel Washington in action films myself, so was looking forward to watching The Equalizer 2.
Both movies actually became available on Blu-ray at Walmart. Venom was released on Blu-ray at Walmart on December 18th and comes with over an hour of extended content and special features. The Equalizer 2 released on December 11th, and also comes with more than an hour of action-packed bonus features, including deleted and extended scenes, and a behind-the-scenes featurette.
My nephews are right about Edgar’s age as well so I think I might be picking up a few extra copies of Venom and The Equalizer 2.