Every Pig Gets Their Saturday

Un poco vulgar, pero cierto. After watching nearly 24 hours of almost uninterrupted Chilean miner rescues taking place before the world’s eyes, there are so many important lessons to be learned. Many of them technical – about engineering, crisis intervention, management, political action, etc. – but the most important of which revolve around one thing: faith.
Despite being trapped underground for 69 days, away from their loved ones, unaware if they would in fact ever be rescued, and if so, when, these 33 men have each shown amazing resilience and strength so far, as they slowly make their way back onto the surface of the earth, one by one. Falling on their knees, praising God, and all of the men and women who have made their miraculous rescues possible…smiling at the world, even rejoicing, and bursting at the seams with positive energy.
Their experience and journey truly a testament to the strength of the human condition. In their darkest hour they remind us that never are we alone.
“Not 33 miners, but 34…because God never left our side,” they said, and in those words summarized for all of us the how of their survival, above any and all material elements that kept them alive.
Whatever personal dramas they may face henceforth – I’m thinking particularly about the gentleman with the two love interests above ground – their day has come. Today, in one way or another they have become a part of all of us. Their names and likeness we may not always remember, but the images of their emergence from the earth we will never forget.
A cada marrano le llega su sábado.
For me, another Saturday to awe at the power of faith.
2 thoughts on “A Cada Marrano Le Llega Su Sábado”
I always knew this dicho as “A cada santo le llega su día de celebracion” — but perhaps this version is more appropriate in the case of that particular miner 😉
Joking aside, I like your message of faith. Tienes razón. I wish I could bottle the feeling I have today as a result of watching these rescues. I’ll hold onto it as long as I can though.
I knew the dicho by the same expression as well, but had also heard the ‘marrano’ version and just had to use it instead. And yes, those men have left us with such a warm and cozy feeling in our hearts and we shoudl try our best to hold on to it as long as possible.