In driveways everywhere, front yards, back yards, neighborhoods, bars, clubs, patios, around the world, probably in every language, the principal complaint among buddies, when they get together for a little pisteada, is the same: ¡con las mujeres uno nunca gana! That universal grunt heard round the globe when words just aren’t enough to express our overall frustration with the opposite sex.
The common denominator among all men, in a relationship with a woman, almost our anthem, which we can’t help but chant when we finally come to that rite of passage, the realization that sometimes with our women, ‘we can’t live with them and we can’t live without them.’ Because no matter how common our interests, beliefs and values might be, the truth is ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.’ El Sexo Fuerte, with our general misunderstanding of all things emotional. El Sexo Débil, with their seeming obsession to explore even the minutest of feelings, to the very core of their existence.
But before the flood of usual suspects – machista, chauvinistic pig – come to mind, or to the lips, consider the female equivalent to this frustration: men are all idiots!
Or as my comadre Juanita pointed out recently, which coincidentally is the reason for this blog post today, us men, a veces nos hacemos pendejos para tragar a puños. The oldest trick in the book, really. Playing dumb to avoid responsibility, commitment, conversation, extra chores, or any other tasks we just don’t want to do sometimes…or all of the time, in some cases. Where no matter how thoroughly or in how many ways our parejas try to get through to us, make us understand, our expression back to them is always blank and blind, completely lost. And it’s not like it’s any big secret! Las mujeres a veces nada má s nos tiran al leon.
Often, we return the favor.
The only problem, as my father once pointed out: las mujeres nunca olvidan nada / women never forget anything!
4 thoughts on “¡Hombre! ¡Te Haces Pendejo Para Tragar A Puños!”
It’s all so true. Carlos did this just yesterday. His mother wanted to ship a package and he asked me to pack it up and label it. “I’m not good at it” was his excuse. When I reassured him he’d do just fine he said, “But your handwriting is prettier than mine…” —- MENTIRA! jajaja. I write like a boy and Carlos’s handwriting is beautiful. He just didn’t want to take care of the package himself. Men! 😉
It’s just no fun when we have to do it ourselves, y tu sabes, sometimes we are just exhausted from doing all the hard work and heavy lifting to bring home the bacon everyday! Okay…tampoco, lol, we just don’t want to sometimes. Like the Man-Cold they air on commercials a veces…we like to be babied a lot of the times, and what better way to achieve that than having our women take care of the more tedious, responsible tasks…yo digo 🙂
Jajaja, so true! And I also think it works both ways, no? There are certain things that us women can do, but prefer our men to do it for us. No se hagan! So I´ll happily oblige my hubby with some of his “tu lo haces mejor” or “no sé cómo hacerlo yo”, knowing I´ll play the same card later on. 😉
Unas por otras!
Sue, lo reconozco y tambien lo reconozco en el sexo femenino, Ja ja! Gracias por el comment.