On the road with the new 2021 Chevy Blazer

Sleek. Sporty. And a lot of fun to drive. That is how we have been describing the new 2021 Chevy Blazer ever since it first arrived on our driveway earlier this year. It was a loaner sent to us by Chevrolet for our mini-road trip across Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas this past November. We had it in our possession for a total of 14 days, and I don’t mind telling you we weren’t ready to let it go.

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Get Tested and Get Tested Often juanofwords podcast

Get Tested Now, And Get Tested Often

The numbers are staggering. Specifically in the Latino community. COVID-19 has devastated so many parts of our daily lives in the last several months, and now, as we prepare for what promises to be an even more difficult winter season in terms of the number of deaths and hospitalizations related to the global coronavirus pandemic, things are even more serious than ever before.

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Stay Home, Work Safe in Houston juanofwords

Stay Home, Work Safe in Houston

On week two of our self-isolation experience in Houston, the city has officially issued a Stay Home, Work Safe initiative through April 3, 2020. On today’s episode we share how we are coping with the “new normal,” what we are noticing on social media from brands, individuals and influencers, and our overall thoughts on saying something when it counts.

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The Goals of an Everyday Human

In life we grow up to explore our strengths and weaknesses. That’s because, we let those two things define and determine the outcome of our futures. I believe it’s safe to assume that for every human in existence a goal has been set. Whether that goal is to lose 10 pounds by the end of a week or simply to make ends meet and put food on the table for the family. Some of these goals are met and others are tragically given up on.

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It’s getting no, and not taking it for an answer.
It’s being told that you can’t, and figuring out how to do it anyway.
It’s being willing to work.
It’s being willing to sacrifice.

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mexico travel stories juan of words

Mexico Travel Stories

It’s a little unusual traveling to a country that feels like home and having to register as a foreign national. That’s the first thought that crossed my mind when I was told I would need to fill out the proper paperwork to be allowed into Mexico for a few days. This would be my first time visiting Mexico City. There would be many other instances on this trip in which the fact that I was not born and raised in this country would become painfully obvious. The word “painfully” is used here on purpose because when people ask where I am from I like to say “I am Mexican.”

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My Childhood Adventures on the Road Inspired my Love for Travel

My Childhood Adventures on the Road Inspired my Love for Travel

I loved our family trips more than anyone else. The older I get the more they mean to me still. I think I love them even more now because I understand just how important they were to my development as an individual and an adult. On those long road trips across the border and into Mexico I grew up so much, somehow managing to discover myself in the midst of all the chaos of traveling with eight other people – my parents and six siblings.

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Let’s be honest. The truth is closer than you think.

Let’s be honest. The truth is closer than you think.

A lot of times the things that make us who we are have been there all along.

We tend to spend so much time trying to discover ourselves, or trying to define who we are. But often it is the case that when you achieve that pivotal moment where you understand who you truly are, you realize that deep inside you knew it all along.

We are constantly in search of ourselves, and we seldomly ask ourselves this question: Do I really need to look that far?

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Louisiana Travels in the 2017 Toyota 4Runner TRD Off Road

The Creole State is an adventure waiting to happen

Louisiana is always the life of the party. Our neighbor to the north is also always an easy getaway for us Texans when we’re seeking just a little more color in our days. At just a few hours of distance from Houston, for me, it is a travel destination of choice for long weekends or even same day road trips. It’s the perfect place to travel with friends or just your significant other.

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When in the Lone Star State, Oh the Things You Will See

When in the Lone Star State, Oh the Things You Will See

Whether it’s the charm of the hill country, Dallas during the Texas State Fair, or Austin during SXSW, there’s never a shortage of things to do and discover when you’re in the Lone Star State. And that’s not even including the dozens of small towns you’ll visit along the way when you’re driving from one major city to another. In Texas, we drive. That’s just our way of life.

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Guy time at our house is movie time

It’s a brand new day for Anjelica in our home these days. Her little boy who once used to revel at any opportunity to cuddle next to her and talk about his day – and seemingly his every thought – is now almost a young man. Or as he would have us believe, a man (albeit a very young one at that). These days I’m his confidant in our family unit. 

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Denver Colorado is an Outdoor Adventure Waiting to Happen

It took me three years to make it to Denver to visit my brother and the first thought to cross my mind after boarding my return flight back to Houston was, “why did it take me so long?” Besides having an incredible time just reconnecting with my kid brother – he’s two years my junior and the youngest man in the family – the city of Denver did kind of charm me and my son Edgar into wanting to visit again soon. This was our first solo trip as father and son, and it was definitely a memorable one.

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