No se hagan… you know you do it too. When instead of saying something ugly or mean, you just opt to say something a little more underhanded and sometimes kind of sarcastic as well. Depending on your intentions, an hablada can be mean and really just as nasty as calling someone out of their name – only not in such a direct way, or silly and more humorous than any thing else, meant to make everyone laugh rather than making anyone feel bad.
No pues como se la pasa haciendo nada… ¿Quién no va tener tiempo?
Who wouldn’t want to be “that friendly” with the boss?
¿A poco nada más eso pudieron comprar? You couldn’ afford more than that?
Nombre… you think some people would know better than that.
¡Tan viejo! ¿Y de qué le sirve?
On our good days… we try to take the high road. Nada más habladas de las inocentonas. Nothing below the belt. But… as you all know, con la sangre latina, once it starts boiling, it’s a little bit harder to keep one’s cool. I kid, but you know how easy it is to lose one’s temper sometimes.
If you’re still not sure about how to properly execute an hablada – or just for your entertainment – here are a couple of habladas from Los Metiches!
2 thoughts on “HOW TO: Echar Habladas (Talk Crap) in Spanglish!”
Yo nunca echo habladas, nunca 😛
Como que I don’t believe you… LOL!